Workshops MA CoDE
Die Studierenden des MA CoDE (Master of Contemporary Dance Education) entwickelten vor dem Hintergrund ihrer Wigman-Analyse eigene Unterrichtsmethoden. Mit Mary Wigmans Arbeit und Erbe als gemeinsamem Ausgangspunkt setzen sie ihren Unterricht in einen zeitgenössischen Kontext mit jeweils individuellem Fokus auf eine/n Choreograf*in ihrer Wahl.
Open Class (für alle Level)
Mittwoch | 07.02.2018 | 18:00 – 20:00
Deutsch/ Englisch
Body Navigation
Verena Kutschera
Dieser Workshop leitet durch die kreative Arbeit von Mary Wigmans und Meg Stuarts Konzept des expressiven Körpers als Instrument der Sichtbarmachung von Veränderungen unserer unsichtbaren Emotionalität nach außen. Die Klasse fokussiert auf den inneren Prozess und die äußere Form und arbeitet dabei mit Improvisation und gesetztem Bewegungsmaterial. Das Ziel ist, Körperlichkeit und Emotionalität zu verbinden, energetische Zustände und Qualitäten einfließen zu lassen und hervorzuheben.
Verena Kutschera is a dancer, choreographer, teacher, and certified Pilates instructor. She graduated from Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance in London in 2008, and holds a BA in Dance Theatre and received the ‘Simone Michelle Award’ for outstanding Choreography. She is experienced in various dance techniques and found her interest in the floor work technique. As a dancer and performer, she has worked with companies such as SomoSQuien, Junges Tanztheater Bremen, La Fura Dels Baus. She worked with and is inspired by Choreographers like Jeremy Nelson, Rosalind Crisp, Lea Anderson, Jun Takahashi, Isobel Cohen, and Nina Berclaz. She followed her curiosity in choreography and toured her own work around Europe within the Postgraduate program Dance Beyond Borders. She is co-founder of Cie La Familia Collective, and co-choreographed and performed the production ‘shuffle’, which was shown in Berlin and Sweden. As a teacher she has been working as a choreographic assistant giving contemporary dance workshops in various contexts, at Tansbasis in Berlin, Centro De Danca Deborah Colker and Nomad Gondwana in Rio de Janeiro, La RUCHE in Lyon. Verena enrolled in the MA CoDE in 2016 in order to work further in her movement research, and deepen her experiences as an artist to connect her work within the field of contemporary dance.

Open Class (für alle Level)
Freitag | 09.02.2018 | 18:00 – 20:00
Deutsch/ Englisch
Find your witch
Jorge Bascuñan
Was, wenn dein Gesicht einen völlig anderen Körper hätte? Oder was, wenn dein Körper verschiedene Soundtracks hätte, wenn er sich bewegt? Was wäre die Stimme zu deinem Kreis? Wie “grotesk” ist das? Entwickelt aus verschiedenen Materialquellen als Ausgangspunkt für Tanz ist die Klasse inspiriert von Mary Wigmans “Hexentanz” und Maguy Marins Ideen von expressiver Bewegung in der Performance. Umgeben von Texten, Videos und Bewegungen mit übertriebenen und ausdrucksstarken Körpern, werden die Teilnehmer*innen den „grotesken Körper“ erfahren, um ihre/ seine eigene „Hexe“ zu finden. Um gemeinsam diverse Erfahrungen zu machen, werden klare Improvisationsaufgaben gegeben, es wird dabei mit Mustern und Bewegungsausmaß kombiniert mit theatralen Elementen gespielt.
Jorge Bascuñan has a Bachelor`s Degree in Physical Education at the Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas, as well as a Certificate in Cinematography and Directing Actors by the Academia Internacional de Cinema bothinstitutions in Sao Paulo. He is also a certified Instructor of Kung Fu by Peng Lai Brazil where his principal master was Shifu Carlos Eduardo. In the fields of Dance and Theater he had teachers who influenced his way of relating to Art as a performer and dancer as well as his vision of artistic direction and education. Some of these teachers were: Bel Mano, Lissandra Berdugo, Denise Namura, João Pirahy, Katia Barros, Rebeca Dantas, Edson Fernandes and Stefano Poda. He has developed his independent work with focus in dance theater and contemporary dance, driven by scenic improvisation and theater games, mixed with martial arts. He is interested in Behavior`s Psychology, several Sign Languages and the ironic context that could result from his art. He is co-director of the Baillistas Collective of Photography and Multi-art and interpreter-choreographer in Collective of dreams. He recently produced two independent performances (DOM and GUSTAV) questioning the connection between individual personal masks and the masks of society. Since October 2016 he is involved in MaCoDE.
Open Class für professionelle Tänzer*innen
Donnerstag | 08.02.2018 | 10:00 – 12:00
Shaking Sharpness
Mar Rodriguez Valverde
Wie fühlt es sich an, wenn du deinen ganzen Körper auf einmal schüttelst? Was ist der Unterschied, wenn du all diese Energie auf die kleinste Oberfläche deiner Haut konzentrierst?
Diese Klasse ist inspiriert vom Konzept des Vibrato aus Mary Wigmans Praxis und wird kombiniert mit der Idee – gewonnen aus der Beobachtung des Krumping – von Isolation und Impakt. Wir werden einzeln und in der Gruppe Bewegung erforschen und zu komplexeren Mustern und Sequenzen gelangen. In einer spielerischen Atmosphäre suchen wir nach einem energetischen, genauen und aufgeweckten Körper.
Mar Rodríguez Valverde is a Spanish freelance dancer and choreographer. She studied Classical Dance at the Real Conservatorio de Danza Mariemma (2006) and she also holds a BA in Performance and Choreography from the Conservatorio Superior de Danza María de Ávila (2012), both from Madrid. In this last one, she worked and performed the repertoire of choreographers such us Wim Vandekeybus, Angelin Preljocaj, Nacho Duato, William Forsythe and Jiří Kylián. In 2010, she received the outstanding performer award in Madrid Choreographic Contest which consisted of a scholarship to attend American Dance Festival where she had the chance to meet and train with Amanda K. Miller, Ming Yang, Bulareyaung Pagarlava and Yaara Moses. Her professional career begun at the Ballet de Teatres (Valencia, Spain) performing works by Goyo Montero and Ramón Oller. She has also worked in various productions with Avâtara Ayuso and more recently with the Swiss company Da Motus!.
Her influences travel from Release Techniques, Gaga and Improvisation Techniques as well as she is deeply interested in collaborative choreographic processes. fETCH, the duet created together with Begoña Quiñones received the Jury Prize at 18MASDANZA and it has been performed internationally.
She enrolled in MA CoDE program since October 2016.

Freitag | 09.02.2018 | 10:00 – 12:00
Dying Dynamically
Eri Funahashi Geen
“Butoh is a dead body standing desperately upright.”
Inspiriert von dem Zitat von Hijikata Tatsumi, und die Ideen des Fallens und Kollabierens aus der Parxis von Mary Wigman nachzeichnend, erforscht die Klasse die dynamische Erfahrung von Schwerkraft und Raum. Wie würde man sich mit dem Gefühl, einen toten Körper zu haben, bewegen? Dieser Frage folgend, beginnen wir loszulassen. Wenn wir der Schwerkraft nachgegeben haben, spüren wir das Gewicht mit unterschiedlichen Oberflächen des Körpers, und finden Balance. „Sterben” wird als Aktion des Loslassens von Spannung erforscht, welche wir in Fluss und kraftsparende Bewegung umsetzen. Im Verlauf werden wir unseren Fokus auf den umgebenden Raum und andere Körper ausweiten, um die Erfahrung des „dynamischen Sterbens“ zu teilen.
Eri Funahashi Geen started ballet at the age of four in Japan where she was born. She later moved to Canada and proceeded with her ballet training under the direction of Nadia Veselova Tencer at the Academy of Ballet and Jazz. In 2010 she graduated from Rambert School (UK) where she obtained her BA (Hons) in Ballet and Contemporary Dance. During her studies, she trained with teachers such as Ross McKim, Amanda Britton, Jackie Barrett, and Chris Wright among others. Furthermore, she has a BA in Business Management, which was completed at Sophia University in Japan.
Her professional career is twofold. She started as a Project Manager at Microsoft Japan. This experience made her rediscover her strong passion for dance, which is influenced not only by her training in ballet and contemporary, but also practices in jazz, street dance, and yoga.
As a dancer, Eri has toured Europe with Illo Tempore Ballet Company in collaboration with Schlote Productions GmbH. In 2013 she joined Teatrul de Balet, Sibiu (Romania) where she performed in works such as Romeo and Juliet, Four Seasons, Scheherazade, Capriccio Espagnol, City Beat, and Ionesco Trilogy. Her continuing desire to explore body movement, and her current interests in somatic practices and pedagogy has led her to join the MA CoDE program since October 2016.
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