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BBM / Breathing Bodies Movement

Nir de Volff teaches classes and conducts workshops for dancers, actors, performers and all movement lovers worldwide. De Volff has been invited to Holland, Portugal, Thailand, Israel, Belgium, Italy, USA, Denmark, France, Singapore, Spain, Russia, Austria, Czech Republic, Chine, Japan, Polland, Swizerland and Germany.

In the last 10 years De Volff’s developed the USE-ABUSE method. A method, that explore our somatic structure and its harmonic-disharmony relation to our breathing system.

From 2020 on the method find its new frame under the name of BBM / Breathing Bodies Movement which focus on somatic areas which we attend to often ignore and asks to bring them alive.How do we use the air we are breathing? The method aimed to research for harmonized coordination between the body and the emotional system of dancers, actors and performers. BBM leads the body and the mind to search for(a honest) connection between the three elements:nervous system, breathing respiratory system and mind. As more as we reach the hidden spaces in the body that are not „breathing“ the more life we breathe into them, bring them alive, define our personal inner energy, inner rhythm, get rid of bad physical habits and redefine, refresh the identity of our living body.

With oreginal exersises, De Volff’s method stimulating freedom and honesty in the bodies of the individual. It reaches new creative areas, new energy end demands to neglect self judgement. While this method was designed to find greater range within a physical practice, through the participants exploration of this technique other byproducts may appear, whether that be social, or (positive) psychological effects.

Nir de volff has been invited to prestige dance center around the world. De Volff’s style offers new dimension for movements, new exploration of the body „as we know it“. The method, the search for a total freedom of the muscles, leads participants to a new physical sensational and expand their borders. It alouds creativity to be daily explored in the studio with the notion of leaving behind limitations.The method fits all kind of people, body-type and age of both professional or none professional.

Samstag, 28. März 2020 &
Sonntag, 29. März 2020
von 12:00 bis 17:30

Kosten: 95€

Frühbucherrabatt bis 31.01.2020: 80€

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